Saturday 9 July 2011

And... The follow up reply from logic himself...

what i was speaking of, are aliens by far more advanced than us, but lets make some order because.. im not a great writer, in my opinion anyway, im better in thinking with numbers:

1. the race's evolution: do humans truely evolve these days? since evolution depends on the survival of the fittest, this is not the case today.

today each country tries to keep its own deaths to a minimum, poor, rich, wise or ... dumb (i dont really like calling people dumb etc but i cant find a substitute here..), and those that dont die of unnatural causes (even disease is unnatural really, because our medicine infact had an effect on microbial life here) normally end up growing families and having children, wich means there isnt really an evolution process here.. since people mix from all over the world today.

so to sum it up, if the race has the technology to cope with the difficulties and make up for its own weaknesses, there is no real evolution. its the technology that evolves and adapts today, not us.

2. the distance: true, light is not fast enough and matter as we see it, cannot move at that speed, however there are theories even today for engines that use more unorthodox methods for propulsion.. such as bending space infront and at the rear of the space vessel in a way that will make it "move" forward, allowing it to "pass" the speed of light, also while the universe does expand, the amount of matter in it with wich we interact gets smaller every moment as some black hole consumes an other star, so the matter of the universe does not expand but the oposite is true, while the universe expands at an accelerating rate... meaning matter is spread more thin over greater distance, meaning the aliens would, too.

3. energy and resources: even today we can make a closed eco system, nasa has plans on making a moonbase (thats from their own site) in the near 10 to 20 years, which is a negligible time in astronomy, especially if this alien race can be millions of years more advanced, after all the earth exists for only roughly a third of the universe existance and it cooled down a long time ago, besides... we have no idea of the limitations of life, or the true definition of life, because what is life? a sentient being? if so... a high tech computer is alive, wich means... life has really no boundaries and could have survived even in the early chaotic universe.

4. aliens size and age: if the alien race is an ancient one, it will have to be huge.. humanity has been growing in numbers during its existance, therefore an alien race that is around far longer than us, must have enormous proportions, leading to expansion over an increasing in size territory.

just think, how long does humanity exist? we have findings dating back to what .. 10,000 years? (im not familiar with our latest and most ancient human remains finds)

we expand and grow in numbers faster every year, meaning a race thats even 1 million, not to mention a billion, years older than us would have exponentially greater numbers than us, requiring resources meaning they would cover a vast space, because a single solar system couldnt support that, besides the more advanced we get, the more resources every single one of us use.. just multiply this a few times , too.

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