Saturday, 9 July 2011

Aliens or Gods?

Ok So Mikeys just gone on his rant about tha fact Aliens probably do exist and are probably what we would call godly beings... And that they have more than likely visited earth. Upon Threatening to blog everything he said, He has now said I should write it up with him and chuck it out and see what (as I put it) "the open minded friends of mine" say... We're going to, so The bonkers lot May want to find the headache pills, this is almost as bad as Julie applying "logic".... 

Here's his take on it (and give him a break on spelling mistakes, he isn't english though he can speak it better than his native language...):

"well, il sum it up here a bit..
the universe age is around the 13.5 or so billion years, right? the earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago and most astrophysicists agree that the likelihood of alien life to exist is unbelievably high (chance for it not existing is 1 in a few billions multiplied, it should be around the number of solar systems in existance, or perhaps planets even?).
Considering these 2 facts, is it really that far fetched to assume that there are incredibly advanced aliens out there, who are more evolved and advanced than us by say, a billion years? can you imaginehow advanced humanity would be in that time?
Such a race must have godlike capabilities compared to us, even the futuristic us in sci fi.
Now if such a race exists, it would probably expand during this whole time, no? travel through galaxies even?
If thats the case, wouldnt it be realistic to assume that they have visited the earth? Its enough to have 1 such alien race in the whole universe, and the chance for them to visit the earth then wont be low, but who is to say there arent even more? 
For some reason scientists expect us to find life that is ill advanced to say the least, they hope to find microbial life, but really, wont it make sense that a race thats expanded over galaxies / solar systems to be an easier and much more likely discovery?"

Yes, He is damn logical. Yes, With the things he comes out with I'm gonna put everything on here...

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